Ship it (sometimes) Sunday
01 September 2024 17:09
So the plan was to ship every Sunday starting last Sunday with this blog and it appears we have fallen at the first hurdle by not shipping this week. However there is a reason here. My current project London List is making good progress and could be shipped but honestly I don't feel there is value in distracting myself with shipping yet. So the lesson here is ship most Sundays but don't ship for the sake of shipping.
31 August 2024 11:49
Lots of money to be made on OF these days but a difficult decision to be made: is the money made worth the detrimental impact to my life of being associated with sex work? <br> As long a society continues the strange cognitive dissonance of demanding goods/services related to sex work whilst also looking down on those who provide these then this choice will continue to be required...Unless it isn't. <br> Unless you could post on OF or wherever and show a face. But not your face. An AI generated face. Let the AI face take the heat whilst you take the profits. Im thinking a software product which replaces the face of a model with a consistent AI face to allow separation of the sex work from the personal. This must surely exist already?
Framework to select
26 August 2024 22:17
The purpose of this post is to lay out my general framework for deciding on whether or not to build an idea. What boxes need checked. Box 1: Problem statement. A clear, concise statement summarising what problem your product actually addresses. Box 2: Summary of product features. Overview of product features including how they relate to the problem statement and which are included in mvp. Box 3: Data sources Most of my products require third party data. Need to have a reliable source of the data before building. Box 4: Technical overview What tech is going to be used to build the product. Box 5: Quick competitor check What similar products already exists. What is not included: monetisation The thought process here is the primary focus is build something which people actually want. Once you have built and confirmed people want it, only then do you actually monetise.
Make it rubbish
26 August 2024 11:01
A crappy product shipped is better than a great idea never executed. When building a project its easy to get lost in imagining all the potential features (and yes there is benefit in harvesting that motivation to write down ideas) but the primary concern should be "what is the absolute minimum I can do that is worth shipping". Take this blog for example. After deciding to create a blog my very first iteration was a local directory holding .txt files. Thats it. This absolute mvp allowed me to test myself on whether I actually wanted a blog. After deciding a blog was worthwhile, iteration 2 was to make as simple an application as possible: flask front and backend (because I have some flask experience), firebase database to hold posts, and deploy on Heroku. Posts are loaded by dropping .txt files in that same initial local directory and having a basic python script hoover them up and load them to firestore. Simple. But simple works. So make it crap but make sure to ship the crap. Making things good is for later.